4 February 2016 2 mins
Reception – make your entrance!
The reception area is the face of your company, where first impressions count, and a badly planned, poorly maintained entrance can have a lasting negative impact on your visitors.
There are many aspects of a reception area which require careful thought and planning:
Some reception areas double up as meeting points, whilst other visitors will simply be passing through, so consider whether you need soft seating, hot desk areas or just a couple of chairs.
The reception desk itself is often the key component which can make your entrance unique, choose from modular, bespoke, integral, low or high options with additional features such as cut-back DDA units for wheelchair users, glass shelves, or include lighting to enhance your company logo.
Another point is the needs of your receptionist – what equipment is needed during the working day? A tidy desk surface is important to the general appearance of your reception area so provide enough storage and filing to keep things organised, trailing cables can be kept out of the way with cable trays and a comfortable ergonomic chair is essential for those sitting for long periods.
Many reception areas offer visitors somewhere to plug in their laptops or phone so power sockets and chargers could be an option depending on the role your reception area plays.
Above all make sure your reception reflects your true company image and values – a place that visitors will remember and recommend to others, and somewhere that they are happy to come back to!
Contact Office Options for your personalised no-obligation quote, we can help you create a professional, inviting entrance to inspire and enthuse your visitors!
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